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Changing the Fire Alarm Control Panel in Residential Building

Villa l’Heureux Sejour

The Villa l’Heureux Sejour offers accommodation for autonomous and semi-autonomous seniors in the Town of Beauport. It provides a familiar, warm, and safe environment for its residents ensuring a comfortable experience. The Villa is near several amenities including a medical clinic, a pharmacy, a grocery store, restaurants and various other shops. The Villa l’Heureux Sejour was informed that a sprinkler system was required for its building. As a result, a fire alarm panel change was also necessary. Maple Armor was chosen for this project not only for its cost-effective and innovative fire alarm products but thanks to its continuous and dedicated technical support. The new system now features Maple Armor’s FW106S Single-Loop panel, the FW511 smoke detector, the FW521 heat detector, the FW721 manual station, the FW811 input module, and the FW851 isolator module. The system accommodated the existing notification devices already installed on the system saving the client money. We’ve received tremendous feedback from the installer who has confirmed that the installation was completed flawlessly, and the system is up-and-running without issues.

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